Thursday, 4 February 2010

All Change on the Sparrow Front.

So, things in the business starting business (hmm) have taken a turn. I've been liaising with the job centre from the beginning, working out whether I'd be better off by going into business for myself. It all seemed very positive, even if I made nothing I'd still be better off because of Tax credits as long as I worked 16 hours a week.

Then I went for another meeting and got Pam, the lovely job centre lady to work out how much better off I'd be depending on how much I earned. It didn't look great. If I earn £80, I'd end up £40 better off than I am now, but to get that £80 I have to sell aprroxiamately 30 purses. Which is about 15 hours work, just in the making of them.

I also though getting 16 hours of work done would be easy. Ruby goes to Nursery two mornings a week, but that's only six hours of work time, which means fitting 10 hours into my evenings. Which leaves my weekends free, if I do every evening, but that never happens, because of, you know, Life. So I thought of putting Ruby into nursery another morning a week, which would end up costing more and being against why I wanted to work from home in the first place: to spend as much time as possible with Ruby.

Sooo. The New plan. Chill a bit, but still do the craft fair in March. Sell some things on Folksy, and take it easy until Ruby starts school next year. Then start again.

Rant over.

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