The shame! Woe is me! I am an un-dedicated blogger...
Better late then never though, eh?
I haven't been sitting round on my bum watching Judge Judy the last 23 days though, oh no. I have been busy sewing and making and being a bit poorly. Myself, Rubes and my Ma all came down with a virus that really knocked us about. The poorliest I've been since before Ruby was born. Managed to sort everything for the craft fair in the Northgate Arena, which turned out to be awful. Freezing cold (and it was indoors) insanely loud Gypsy Jazz music(which was really good for about 2 songs), hardly any actual crafted items, most just imported and I only made £2.30! I spent £5 at the chocolate stand.
It did mean however lots of stock ready for Central Bazaar, which was AWESOME. Did a lot better money wise and it was just a super cool day. The other stallholders had amazing products, I could have easily gone into some serious debt, and I can't wait for the next one!
As for none fair related items, been making a lot of tshirt dresses, mostly for Ruby but one for myself too. Will be making them at craft night tonight too. Also been working hard on the Lola makeover, it's nearly done, she's looking fabulous and I can't wait to go camping! Have a look at my other blog for updates.
Anyhoo, I hope everyone in blogville is fine and dandy and looking forward to a wonderful spring. Kisses.
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