Hi there! Remember me? I used to be that girl who updated her blog all the time, but once her crazy daughter stopped having afternoon naps (sigh), couldn't squeeze in the time for posting. Well with the help of said little one starting school this morning (sigh), I am officially backski! And a couple of exciting things to start the new year with:
Firstly, for the second time ever, I made it onto the Hot New Projects category on
Craftster.org with
Ruby's new kitchen! If you haven't seen it yet, please go have a gander and take a moment to appreciate the many hours spent in the freezing attic putting this bad boy together. Thank you.
Next, like my new look? It's still grey and cold and miserable out there, but this background makes me think of growing peas and picking strawberry's and impromptu outdoor eating. On a gardening note, I'm reaching the big three-zero this year, so it's OK to be excited about the quality of my soil right? Right?!?
I was going to add some pictures here of all the things I made for Christmas (and there was blinkin loads) but I'm feeling new year, new crafts. So first project posted will probably be the needlebook I just finished for a swap on Craftster. I cant post untill I've sent it, but I reallllly want to keep it for myself. Luckily, it being the nature of The Swap, at least I'll be getting one in return, and the lady I'm swapping with seemss extremely cool, so I'm very much looking forward to seeing what arrives in the post.
Projects lined up so far this year include the Great Bertie Makeover, for which I ordered a pile of gorgeous fabric yesterday, much to RBS's dismay, and a set of washable nappies for my bro and his lady who've just had a gorgeous baby boy called Jamie. I'm pretty sure they're not interested in cloth nappying, but what the heck, I'm forcing my crafts upon them anyway. Any excuse to sew and research.
Right, I'm off for a cup of tea before picking up the munchkin. I hope everyone had a fab Christmas and New Year and are excited about what 2011 has prepared for them!